I got a lot of supports from Japanese folk songs for my extreme homesick.

Now and then, music is always with our life. When we listen to the music, sometimes we get power, and sometimes we get emotional. When I was feeling strong longing for Japan, I listened a lot of Japanese songs. Especially, the songs that I listened when I was young. They bring me back to the old times, and I felt very nostalgic. I get moved by songs a lot.
While I was listening lots of Japanese songs, I started singing Japanese folk songs and children’s’ songs with my guitar. (You could tell how homesick I was lol.)
Singing those folk songs again and again, I started seeing the scenery of the songs. I was so fascinated by the beautiful images!
I took some time to research about the origin of Japanese folk songs. Many of them were made in biggening of 1900, when Japan was experiencing Western influences. Those folk songs that I know were written by Japanese for the future generations to remember the spirit of Japanese. There are many songs about seasons and nature, and I cannot stop thinking about the time that the nature was very closer to the daily life of Japanese culture. I feel colors, seasons, and sound of sceneries from those songs. Folk songs are like time machines to take me to the old times. It feels so good when I feel into the lyrics and the melody. The words are chosen carefully and colorful. I can sense the fragrance of the flowers and the movement of the grasses in the songs. It’s like a popcorn!
About two years ago, when I was visiting my 95 years old grandma, it was in May, she suddenly started sinning a Japanese folk song about tea leaves picking. the song is very famous, and naturally, my mom and I started singing with her. We giggled a lot after we finish singing. It was a precious moment. This song is sang typically in May (time for tea leaves picking!) and I believe for my grandma, it was very natural thing to sing the song in the season. Now when I sing this song, I think of her, and the precious memory comes back to my field.
It is so beautiful that multiple generations can sing the same song. Those songs that handed down generations by generations have their own sprits, and in time, our own memories are weaved into the songs. Then, those songs get richer and richer in time. It is absolutely beautifu
There are many lineages and traditions that apply songs for their transmissions. Dr. Emoto, who dedicated for the mystery of the water, shared when we send gratitude to the water, they form a beautiful crystal. Songs are like that; with the lyrics and melody, they carry the frequency behind the song itself as well as the singer’s emotions. It delivers energies directly. This is the power of the song for me.
Lastly, let me share my love to a Japanese fold song for Mt. Fuji. I have many special memories with this song. When I sing this song, I instantly connect with Mt. Fuji and the spirit of Japan wherever or whenever. No matter how much I am depressed and tired, this song gives me a strength. It makes me to take one more step forward. Mt. Fuji is a very special mountain for Japanese. It is strong and steady while it is beautiful and gentle. Before the many skyscrapers and electricity, ancient Japanese people could see the mountain from all over Japan. I feel into the connection between people and the mountain, and I send many loves and gratitude to Mt. Fuji when I sing this song. I hope my love is received by the spirit of Mt. Fuji.
Last of the last, I send much gratitude for the song writers and singers.
I send many loves to the ones who keep the old songs and keep weaving thoes songs.
I send many thanks to the songs that rise the frequencies.
I am supported by the power of the songs every day.
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