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The Gifts from the Ancestors


Updated: Aug 19, 2023

Recently, I got a question about the ancestral inheritance instead of ancestral debt.

Most definitely each one of us has ancestral inheritance. I think that’s one of the reasons to heal ancestral wounds. There are many many healthy ancestors who protect us steadily and quietly. Also, once one ancestor gets healed, they become one of the most powerful supporters for us too. I have some friends who walk with their ancestors, and I can sense their strong and healthy ancestors’ presence. They look almost like shinning from inside out.

It is important to be independent, and even if we think we are doing things ourselves, there are always so much more supports in the bigger picture. So why not we send gratitude and harmoniously connect with our healthy ancestors? They are one of the closest and strongest supporters for our life. Their gaze feels like a mother looking after her baby.


From my point of view, as a Japanese immigrant, (so I see America with less attachment) I saw white people hold some difficulties with their ancestors many times. Basically, with the idea of “we are dominant culture.” I hope this doesn’t trigger my friends. I am just saying I saw this many times. And many of them have difficult times to connect with their ancestors.

On the other hand, what I’ve learned from American ethics and histories is that native cultures have been intervened from outside, and many people chose to detach from their origins. For my understanding, this intervention is very similar to what happened to Japanese culture as well.

Across the cultural background or race, many of us forget or deny our ancestries. It seems like it is very common in the modern time no matter where we are coming from.

Personally, it took long time to connect with my ancestors. I had so much fear and denials inside, so even I don’t have others’ experiences, I do understand how it feels like. And to disconnect with our ancestors is like we cut our lifelines or blood out from our system by ourselves.

* I just want to make sure that there are many many American friends who are strongly connected with their ancestors. And I do feel their ancestors in their presence, and it is so beautiful. I got overwhelmed and cried many times to see and hear their truths.


Putting a lid on our ancestries and living by oneself feels hard. Perhaps some people come to this incarnation with the will to learn the independency, and I respect that. I am just saying it feels really hard. I feel my ancestors support in my bone now, and I can say that I could not go through difficult times without feeling their love and support. For example, it’s a very simple one; I needed to attend my graduation ceremony by myself when I graduated from acupuncture school here in the US. I really didn’t want to attend it alone, and I was telling about it to my ancestors. At the time, they all came and said, “we can be there. You can invite us if you wish.” I cried so much when I received this message. I felt I am not alone anymore.


Orcas are well known to hunt seals. But orcas who can hunt seals are only the groups which know how to hunt seals. Not all the orcas can hut seals. It is their ancestry. At some point, one of their ancestors found the way to hunt seals. That must have been a really big deal for them because otherwise they could die.

I believe our ancestries are somewhat similar to this example. There are many ancestral ways and tips living in our ancestries without noticing. There are many bright ancestors in each one of our lineages who worked for the society, humanity, and for the Earth wisely, even though they might not on the history books. We all come from billions of ancestors, so it is almost impossible to not have wise and proud ancestors. So who not we connect with them and ask their support? Why not?

(By the way, I believe it is also important to give them gratitude and make offerings to keep healthy generous flow between them and us.)


Ancestry is a package deal. It comes with all of the things unless the families have been working with their ancestors. It’s like there is a mansion in the backyard for longtime, and no one really opens the door. It is very big and fancy, but it is scary to go inside because no one knows what’s in there.

With a little courage, when we open the door, we will find so many things. There are habits and ways which were needed long time ago, and we do not need anymore. Or there are cultures which were so normal and nothing special at the time, and we find that those are gems for this time. It is like a treasure hunt!

For example, through my process of ancestral healing, I found my great grandmother was a sawing witch. And when I work with sawing, I ask her support. I received many ideas and materials which I even never thought about. My hands keep going, and it feels like she is sawing the fabric through me. Those moments that I can physically feel the support, I get inspired and feel so much fulfillment in my heart.

Like we clean our houses, shall we open the windows, shake out the dust, and clear things that are not needed anymore and polish the gems of our ancestries? We can keep things which seem important for our future generations. In the future, things may become unnecessary, and at that time, our descendants can clear old out again. Not a big deal!

We all have the key for the old mansion, our ancestries, in our hearts all the time. The door opens when we decide to open it.

If you wish, please feel into your healthy ancestors or ancient ancestors. There are so many gifts waiting to be found.

Thank you.

With love,


art credit:Ellen Uytewaal/Behind the Veil


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