Happy new year! May 2022 bring miracles to our life!

I spent decades to explore how I can understand my life and how I can see the whole harmoniously.
So many people say so many things, and I tried to listen. I tried to listen the social norm of Japan. I tried to listen authorities, teachers, and masters. Yet with aging, I realized that I really cannot follow others while my heart is saying different things. I am surly bold.
With tons of mistakes, I found that Animism makes most seno me. The answer is varied by person, and my answer was right below my feet. It is the foundation of ancient Japanese culture. It simply makes sense to see every single thing has spirit inside and tlife itself. Everything is alive.
From this point of view, the world looks so vivid. I spent long time just looking at trees, bugs, and stones and amazed by their complexity and wisdoms. And one day, I realized that the Earth is also one life form. It’s obvious, and what I mean is that it came to my gut with so much tears.
When I look at the Earth as a living entity, I lose my words. (Well, I try to explain anyway lol.)
First of all, the Earth is at least 4.6 billion years old. Which means she has 4.6 billion years of life experiences. I feel exhausted by just living for 40 years. I cannot even possibly imagine living 4.6 billion years. The Earth keeps living with accepting lots of changes.
Second of all, I am in awe for the Earth’s perfect distance with other planets. They never hit each other while working together turning around the sun for long time with perfect dynamics. I personally bump into people and the societies a lot, so to me, it is a miracle to see those massive planets keep perfect distance and dancing all the time together. I wonder in the ancient time around when the sun was born, they might have some arguments like we argue with our siblings...haha.
I guess the Sun is like the Earth's husband. They are always together, and when the sun is up, I feel the excitements of the life here, so I believe the Earth really loves the sun.
The most amazing thing about the Earth for me is its creativity! Life started on the earth with elements, and then tiny tiny micro beings evolved to more complex forms of lives with uncountable tries and errors. The forests, animals, and bugs are all creations of the Earth. Our human bodies too. I am especially fascinated by the reproductive systems. It’s wild! I am so curious that making love is a universal way to continue next generations, or it is unique to the Earth… (Does someone know?)
Many artists spend their lifetime to sharpen their ways of expressions. The Earth has been the path of the artist for 4.6 billion years or more. The complexity, variety, and the efficiency of her creations come from the long-term devotion. The perfection of her creativity is beyond words.
When I see the Earth, I feel humans are so little and powerless. Well, yes and no! We are like the cells of the earth. It matters. Our bodies are made with 4.6 billion years of wisdom and experiences of the Earth. I learned quite bit about the human anatomy at Chinese medicine school, and it is absolutely fascinating! Every single part of our body has a job, and all the cells work together in such complex ways with cycle of life and death.
Our body is made by the Earth and the experiences of our ancestors. I, as a single person, is small, but when I connected to the Earth’s and my ancestors’ gift, my body, it’s so powerful. I am extremely grateful to receive this opportunity to live my life here.
Lastly, I believe our souls before this incarnation saw the Earth from the sky and really hoped to come here and experience the life on the Earth. We dreamed about that. I believe we danced when we learned that we will reincarnate to the Earth.
It’s like we dream about a foreign land for long time and travel to the land for the first time. So exiting! Living on the Earth is our souls' dream.
It’s surly a difficult time now, and it is important to remember our excitement before our incarnation. (There are difficult things during traveling our dream land too, right?) And let the Earth know how beautiful she is, how amazing the life on the Earth is, and how much we love the Earth. The Earth is alive, so our voices from our hearts will reach to her. I believe in that.
Thank you!
With love,