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Shall We Have Fun?


I love spirituality! I am a nerd.

What like gods/goddess in the world?

What happens, and where we go after the death?

What is channeling?

What does healing really mean?

How do other people do?

Those are the questions in my mind all the time. I love to explore those questions, especially with actual tries and errors! I think about spiritually and spend time with them simply because I adore it. Healing too, I receive healings regularly and love to serve healings because I enjoy them. My curiosity to the spirituality takes me to new ideas and places. I believe healing is my life purpose, and I can continue doing it because I love it.

Learning about spirits for me is like a wine nerd study about wine (the land, history, and the process etc.) and taste and learn them with an actual experience. I sit with the energy, experience it, and store the memory into my heart/mind. My curiosity to the channeling and the healing is like a cook explore a new food. When they eat something very special, they may want to know how to make it. Me too, when I experience a deep healing, my mind goes “whoa, I love this healing so much, how do you do it? who are you connected to??” :) The subjects are different, but I think our curiosity for what we love has similar qualities.

I never get bored with the healing because at the moment I think I got it, I lose it. And at the moment I think I pass a stage, I find vast field of new!! When I experience a well cultivated healer’s session, I just want to know what they see and feel. So, I can go back to my self daily cultivation even they are not so sparkly and shiny. I cannot keep working for clearing and self-cultivation without my curiosity to the healing. It is like after a guitar player watched amazing show, s/he goes back to their daily practice to sharpen their skills.

When we spend our time for what we love, somehow it attracts people with similar sense. Nerds love nerds. It is such a fun time to exchange our experiences and talk about extreme ideas. :) *I’d like to make sure that I don’t’ make light of the healing and the spirituality. I am very serious when I face the healing and spirits! But at the same time, I am a nerd for sure.


One night, I was watching a late night show on the TV. I think it was in my late 20’s, when I was working hard for a business. The show was about a scientist who researches a specific kind of moth for his lifetime. He was a world known researcher of the moth. The moth doesn’t look so special for me, but he can be curious about this moth for his lifetime, and it takes him to the world level. Somehow, I was very inspired by this story, and I really wanted to live my life like him; to spend all my energy into what I love.


It is one of the most precious things to love something so deeply and spend lifetime to know it and cultivate the relationship with. It can be a work, hobby, partner, family, or anything. No matter who says what, when we love it, no one can stop it!

I spent very long time to meet/remember what I really love. I tried many things and failed many times lol. For some people it is a very obvious thing from their childhood. For some, it is not. But with my experience, I believe everyone has something that is special for. Can be very tiny, can be overwhelmingly big. It doesn’t matter how it looks.


It is such an intense time right now in the world now.

So, shall we have fun with what we love?

Even a minute or a breath a day.

Can we remember our childhood dreams and spend time with it?

Lets’ have fun like children, shall we? :)

With love,


Photo credit: From Tippi My Book of Africa / Sylvie Robert & Alain Degre


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