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Name Matters.


The world is filled with names.

“Kotodama” is an old Japanese term which means that the spirit lives inside of words. I resonate with this term a lot. The word “Thank you” has the power itself, and when we say it with our heart and our energy are filled with gratitude, and say "thank you," the whole room is filled with “Thank you.” Time and space come together, and word and energy come together.

Name matters to me. My teacher Liv explains that name as an “address” of the person/place/thing. When we are channeling with someone, the name is the key to access to the person’s energy. When we talk about someone, we feel their presence, don’t we? Our names are called and written thousands of times during our lifetime, so it makes sense that the spirits live inside of the name.

Many Japanese animations talk about the power of the name. “If your name is taken, you’d lose your spirit.” Or “If they know your name, they can use magic on you.” something like that. I was wondering for a long time why there are so many correlations between spirituality and Japanese animations. I love watching Japanese animations, and I secretly believe Japanese animations are modern textbooks of Japanese Shamanism. It might be why Japanese animations are so loved all over the world.

I spent some time in Chinese Medicine school and learned many acupoints. In the US, the points are named with numbers. For example, ST36 means the 36th point of Stomach channel. In the ancient text, those points' names are written in Chinese characters. ST36 is “足三里/Leg three miles.” It is great to remember the points via numbers because it is way easier to memorize and there is no need for the translation. I appreciate it.

Yet, when I learn the real names of the points, I can understand and relate to the points a lot more. When I see ST36 without any knowledge, I only imagine the bottom of a machine or something like that. And when I see the real name, I can imagine this point is on the leg and something about walking. Name delivers a lot more depth to it.

I haven’t learned all the points' names yet, and I sometimes sit with point’s names and actions to make deeper connections with them. Because Chinese characters are pictograms, it can deliver so many meanings in such a little word. Many points’ names and actions have correlations, and I imagine the ancient people were so careful with the names.

When I came to the US for the first time, I was surprised with the street and place names. So many streets and places are named by famous people. Jefferson street, Martin Luther King, Jr. Street etc. Mountain names too. Mt. Hood, the beautiful mountain in Oregon was named after an admiral of the royal navy. If my friend named natural elements with my name, like Mt. Kyoko or Kyoko river, I would dig a hole and hide inside of it. It feels too much to me lol.

Streets and mountains have the old names which were named by the native people. When I learn those names, I feel the depth of the places. I personally resonate with old names which are used for a long time with the people who have connections to the land. And at the same time, I feel the enthusiasm and passion of those settlers who came across the ocean, spent so much time and energy to understand the land, and named natural elements with something familiar with them. I honestly have mixed feelings about this situation.

Every day so many names are born, and numbers are added. We have so much to remember just for living in modern society. I understand this, and I believe names still matter. When the name and the energy are coherent, it is very easy to remember, and it lasts for a long time. The spirits live inside of the names which are called for a thousand times. My name “Kyoko” has been called many times in many ways, and it has specific energy to it. If my name is called with care and love all the time, “Kyoko” may start sparkling with love. If my name is called with hatred and shame for a long time, the energy of “Kyoko” may become shameful and dusty.

Please call your loved ones’ names with love. :)

If you feel anger or hatred, let the energy go to the ground or in the air, and call your friends’ names with forgiveness. I will do so. I believe this tiny action can clear so much dust from our names and from our hearts. We can purify our frequencies more and more!

May our names sparkle with care and love…:)

With love,


Photo credit: unknown



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